Zebra Man; a Fantastic Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi
Zebra Man (English:
Zebra Man) (Urdu: زیبرا مین) is a fantastic, interesting, outstanding,
full of action and adventure and fun to read Urdu spy novel of Imran
Series, written by Ibn-e-Safi,
the legendary Urdu spy novelist and the finest and most famous and
popular Imran Series and Jasusi dunya Series writer. The novel is sequel
to the previous novel Halakat Khaiz and it holds the reader till he turns the last page of it.
Imran Joseph and Jameson are in the forest of Tanzania Darussalam with a
team of secret agents from different countries. The team comprises Rena
from Syria, Sara from Iraq, Shaperd from Jordan, Phorgua from Israel
and Gasper from Lebanon. And Imran and his team later join them.
This team confronts a tough time and hard mission against Madam
Therisia. The team is there to stop Therisia and other Black guys of
Tanzania from destroying the world. They have a plan to wipe all the
white people from Africa and this land once again will belong to the
black people. The story is to be continued and you will read next in the
novel Jungle ki Shehriyat. Let's see what Ibn-e-Safi shows us in Jungle ki Shehriyat.