Operation Double Cross by Ibn-e-Safi

Operation Double Cross; a Marvelous Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi 

Operation Double Cross is a marvelous, interesting, fantastic and full of suspense Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary and most famous Urdu spy novelist.

Imran sends Joseph and Jameson to Rome to kill James Harley, a foreign agent of X2 who had become traitor and caused some troubles to X2 and his team [details can be read in the novel Adhura Aadmi].

In Rome Joseph is recognized as prince Harbanda by some people and they get in trouble. They get help from Jenny Guardo and Guardo kills four men, who came for Jameson and Joseph. Finally Imran also arrives to Rome and kills James Harley who lives there as Dano Morelli, boss of a dangerous gang.

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