Black and White; a Superb Urdu Imran Series Novel by Ibn-e-Safi
Black and White is a superb and interesting Urdu spy novel of Imran Series written by Ibn-e-Safi, the legendary and most popular Urdu spy novelist and Imran Series writer. The novel is sequel to previous novels; King Chaang, Duwain Ka Hisaar, Samandar Ka Shigaf and Zalzalay Ka Safar. This is the final part of the story.
Imran had accomplished his mission and this novel tells what happened
after the completion of the mission. Deadly Frog is killed by Louisa and
Am Benni is arrested and she in Police custody. Louisa is kept by
French police for killing Deadly Frog {King Chaang} and Imran and his
team think how to take Joseph out of Mokaro and go back to Pakeshia.