Aatish Dan Ka But by Ibn-e-Safi
Aatish Dan Ka But; a Beautiful Urdu Novel of Imran Series by Ibn-e-SafiAatish Dan Ka But ((Statue at the Fireplace) is beautiful Urdu spy novel of Imran Series by the famous Urdu spy writer Ibn-e-Safi.
X2 watches to men and haves doubts on them. He captures them and sends Imran and Safdar disguising them. They forward report to a beautiful and stunning deaf girl in a building where some very beautiful girls live.
Captain Wajid of the Military Secret Service is a traitor and Imran is on investigations against him. Imran adopts a fabulous style of investigation and finally accomplishes the mission.
In this novel first time Imran introduces Joseph as his bodyguard and acts as Rana Tahwar Ali Sandooqi, a wealthy man of the country.
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